Monday, July 04, 2016

      Stand up against domestic violence 

Imagine a life where you struggle everyday. Imagine the fear and pain of getting beaten up daily by your loved ones. Imagine getting bruises all over your body. Couldn’t even imagine yourself like that, right? Did it sounded quite sad and painful? Well it might be difficult for you to imagine but it is happening with lots of women every single day.  It is sad how cases regarding domestic violence is still very much prevalent in spite of domestic violence act 2005 act being enforced by Indian constitution for protection of women from domestic violence.  Most of the statistics shows that married women are the major victim of physical violence by their husbands. There are many reasons behind violence but the most common causes are drinking problem or bad temper issues of the husband. Husbands usually take out all their frustrations on their wives. But what is the fault of a woman? What is she getting beaten up for? And even if they are at fault, still any form of violence is not at all justifiable. There is a way of solving things and violence is definitely not one of them.  Every year hundreds of cases are being registered against it but there are also hundreds of cases which never even come into notice because women tend to consider it as their own family matter and keeps on tolerating. Women need to understand, when the situation goes out of control to such an extent that they are getting beaten up daily then it is no more their private matter and they need to involve the police. If women will not speak up then how would it be possible to eradicate this problem from its root. There is a need to spread more awareness about domestic violence and how it is destroying lives. If we have correct knowledge about such things in advance, then we tend to deal with them more smartly.
  Remember, you could always call police if you are being hurt or threatened to hurt.

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