Saturday, October 11, 2014


"Whatever a man has in superabundance is owed, of natural rights, to the poor for their sustenance"- St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologia, 1274 CE

From fancy cars and expensive clothes to fine dining and exotic vacations, there are many ways you can spend your hard earned money. And there is nothing wrong in rewarding yourself for your job. Well Done! But what would happen if you reward someone else?

Have you ever stopped for a moment and thought about those who didn’t know where they come from? Whom do they belong to? How and why did they land into an unprivileged set up? If not yet, then its time you paused and thought about this issue, heartily.

Each year, we Indians discard pounds of clothes which require a lot of resources to be made and sending your unwanted outfits to landfills only decreases the lifespan of those outfits. So why not de-clutter your wardrobe and circulate your clothes to those in need.

Decide whether you really need that many t-shirts, sweaters and skirts? Whether you’re clinging to too many baby and toddler clothes that might be better used by other children in need? Whether a particular garment or accessory still fits and flatters you or the person who wear it? If not then do give them away. These old clothes which mean nothing to you now can mean so much to someone in need.

Each year many die due to harsh winters. Basic amenities like warm water and blankets are not available for many. Just imagine what a small child or an old woman has to face in winter nights when they hardly have even full-sized clothing to cover their bodies in wide open. No heaters, no shelter, no sweaters, no blankets. Those who cannot face die.

Lets prevent this loss. As they say “A good deed is never lost.” Lets help our brothers and sisters. Don’t let your clothes turn into food for moths. Donate them. 

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