Monday, July 06, 2015


Child labour

Sushmita Paul

Mother gives birth to a child; a little innocent baby becomes the tree of juicy fruits full with hopes. Gradually he/she grows up and hopes from him/her increase its width and height. But what is happening is draining all the efficient potential of our strength of the nation. About whom is being mentioned is Child. Yes the future of our nation. Slaying the future of our nation by accepting the presence of child labour is very disheartening. All the bias of this evil practice should be penalized.
By indulging an innocent life into this practice and making braches of his/her innocent dreams is a matter of great pity for the whole nation. This practice is well defined by these many words of a simple sentence defining a v complex life type of a child---- What is child labour is: Those children who are doing paid or unpaid work in factories, workshops, establishments, mines and in the service sector such as domestic labour. Imagining this creates blood shocks in body. Now what with those actually practicing this in reality?  There are only two main causes of this Child Labour practice- A. Poverty And B. Illiteracy
Although in developing country like India this issue has been in concern of the Government but still we need a lot to get control over this typical problem but India continues to host the largest number of child labourers in the world today which is about 12 million in number.  Recent census has shown some decrease in level of this problem.  But we need to think that is it so difficult to eradicate poverty in India where there are so many government schemes running like The Children (Pledging of Labour) Act, 1933 The Employment of Children Act, 1938, The Minimum Wages Act 1948 and rules made there under by the government-The Shops and Establishment Act in Various States Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 etc. We all need to give this issue our genuine concern so that these act’s benefit can reach all its legal sufferers. If we the citizen of one nation at least try to educate one or two and this little effort can make huge difference. Whatever change may happen but at minimum after educating poor children they for sure will realize the needs of education and take benefits from Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)  Mid Day Meal Scheme to built up a better future for themselves and thus for the nation too. They should be make aware of article 21A- Right to Education AND 24- prohibition of employment of children in factories. No one of us should think of putting a child work in a hazardous condition. This not only creates health and mental problems but distract the future betterment of nation. We all should give our best to stop this critical problem creating hindrance at both micro and macro levels. This is indeed a challenging task, but can be attained with concerted effort and a clear perspective.

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