Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Female Foeticide

Female Foeticide

Sushmita Paul
Female foeticide is aborting the female baby in the mother’s womb. Killing the Unborn in mother’s womb sounds itself so brutal then why the problems of sex selective abortions are carelessly being performed so frequently? The abiding truth of performing such brutal acts transcends throughout the country. India is already facing the critical issue of declining female population which in reality is a big reason of social tensions in the country which are spreading furiously like forest fire. Our Constitution provides the Right to Equality under Article 14 and Right to life with dignity under Article 21 and Sex – detection tests violate both these rights. The misbalanced sex ratio of India has reached its black days making it less than 800:1000 in few states of India. Surprisingly, firstly the practice is more recorded from urban area rather than rural area and secondly more common in literate section of society rather than illiterate and thus the most affected states are progressive states like Punjab, Haryana, Delhi and Gujarat. Why the life of females is being taken so casually when they are the actual soul of the society? Female child is the root of society; they only further become responsible for being the daughter, wife, mother then alls favourite grandmother. But the patriarchal society of india still needs many brain washes to understand the importance of the root of society. This in turn becomes the reason of many social crimes against women. Why in country like india which became first to recognize man and woman equally under universal adult franchise such bloodiest form of cruelty can’t be stopped? Technologies of Modern science are becoming convict of this crime. With the determination of erasing the discrimination against female sex and for protecting the status and dignity of women government has passed the Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques in 1994 to avoid the miss use of technologies. Practicing such acts is punishable under IPC 312-316 depending upon the nature of crime. The penalties range from seven years to life imprisonment for
fourteen years and fine. One needs to start the changes from individual’s level.  Human Development Survey Report has placed India at 124th position among 173
countries. Actually eradicating the gender discrimination should be the prior agenda of development programmes. Although the process of removing the myths related to sons and daughters will take long time but we need to initiate it as early as possible for better future of india. At the end, all of us know the universal truth that every individual is born from his/her mother, the most respectable idol of life who is actually a female. 

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