Sunday, June 15, 2014

About Sparsh (
Sparsh is a group to help the orphans and needy children . 
We collect donations , Clothes , Books , Pens and other items which can be useful to children 
who have no shelter over them.
Its not just limited till donations, one can also be a part of the education camp taken across 
the rural India. You get a chance to educate both children and iliterate elders. This is an
 exciting job. 
This organisation is spread across India by having its volunteers at many parts of the country.
About the Internship:
There are various types of internship in this organisation. You get a chance to be flexible 
with your choice.
  • Become the volunteer of your society and collect old goodies for poor. 
  • Later , you will be informed to give these to respective orphanage or Sparsh help centre.
  • If your work is excellent , you get a chance to become district or even state head for Sparsh.
  • You can also chose to be an education volunteer where you can spread knowledge 
  • among illiterates and poor children and elders in the countryside.
  • Various other options will be intimated to you time to time.

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