Friday, June 10, 2016


THE FORGOTTEN POOR – Lets think about it!!

By Parichita Basak

The rich get wealthier and the poor get poorer, the gap has been extending.
India is facing one of the biggest evil in present scenario – POVERTY. Across the nation, population is increasing and yes, it seems like a never ending issue. High population in India is suffering due to this evil. And, we would not really find anything much done about it. In India, poverty is still pervasive.

According to a survey, statistics of  poverty  :
35% of households don’t have nearby water source.
50% of Indians don’t have proper shelter.
70% don’t have access to decent toilets.
85% of villages don’t have a secondary school.
Over 40% of these same villages don’t have proper roads connecting them.

Poverty differs greatly from state to state in India. So, in each state poverty line must be adapted and considering the pace of economic growth should be regularly updated as well. Well, manufacturing sector is finally growing, so massive unemployment can be reduced and hence, can tackle one of the major causes of poverty in India. But…that leaves the problem of rural poverty.

The example of India has shown many that if growth does give opportunities to some to get out of poverty, it is also true that it doesn’t prevent people from falling into poverty. Hence,   a strong action need to be taken against biggest social evil of all. We all need to work towards creating employment and providing enough for population, which does not even receive basic amenities.

Need of the hour are new policies to create young educated population and also for massive employment especially among rural areas.

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